Short Courses
Short courses consist of three, two hour forty minute sessions (plus a ten minute break) that take place here at ITI. They are face-to-face courses, i.e., you must attend them in person, and they either take place on Tuesdays & Thursdays or on Saturdays.
Total course duration - eight hours.
Courses will not run with less than eight participants. We will contact you to let you know whether or not your course will go ahead as soon as we can.
We also run short courses tailor-made to fit the needs of your organisation, at your organisation. Please don't hesitate to contact us in order to find out more.
Testing and assessment
A practical course exploring how to assess language and language skills. The course will explore and practise the skills of test construction and how to construct and evaluate other assessment tools.The course examines the challenges of testing oral and writing skills as well as more traditional assessment methods.
A practical course exploring how to use drama, NLP and other whole person learning techniques in the classroom. Lots of lesson ideas for all age groups.
Workshop presenters training
A practical course for experienced teachers interested in giving seminars and workshops exploring how to conduct seminars etc. The course includes an opportunity to deliver a workshop presentation to a group of teachers and to receive feedback on your performance.
Teaching academic writing
A course analysing academic written genres and the linguistic and organisational features of written English and how they can be introduced and practised in the classroom to develop learners academic writing skills.
Teaching with technology
A course looking at practical ways to exploit technology in the classroom looking at web quests, podcasts, Moodle, web tools and how to utilise the resources of the internet.
Teaching young learners
A practical course exploring how to teach young learners (ages 5 – 10). The course will provide a variety of practical ideas to develop literacy skills and language skills such as action songs, games, and puppets as well as other resource material to use in the young learners' classroom to motivate and inspire learners.
Syllabus and materials design
A practical course exploring how to design a syllabus and supplement and adapt your courses to meet your students' needs by using authentic film, music and other resource material in the classroom to motivate and inspire learners. The course covers the processes of designing and evaluating materials based on a needs analysis and the formulation of course objectives.
Knowledge about language
A practical course exploring how to design a syllabus and supplement and adapt your courses to meet your students' needs by using authentic film, music and other resource material in the classroom to motivate and inspire learners. The course covers the processes of designing and evaluating materials based on a needs analysis and the formulation of course objectives.